Maxine Penney

Host of the day

Maxine Penney is a DJ & Moderator performing under Goddess of Queens - an inclusive music and educational DJ Duo dedicated to fostering diversity and creativity through curated cultural events, workshops, and digital content. She has a background in culture management and is a connector in the global creative industry and loves bringing people together. Her musical journey spans over the last 15 years in the UK, Berlin & Amsterdam club scene; with a finger that has always been on the pulse with events and community. She created an agency FreshhhConnections which connected creatives and creative agencies to brands together.

Maxine has hosted English Breakfast Radio and Broadcast Amsterdam and is no stranger to the stage; she is a moderator and thought leader who has spoken at events such as ‘Dutch Design Week’ and ‘ADsterdam’ and is also a seasoned interviewer of DJs for Nexus Radio (Chicago) at ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) for the last 3 years. She is currently the Producer & Host of the monthly podcast, ‘Goddess of Queens Presents: A New Voice in Music” where we discuss culture, music and what we can do to make life more inclusive!


CHRO of the Year Award | 17:30 – 18:00 | Parkzaal