Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers
Professor of Corporate Governance | TIAS School for Business & Society
Prof. Dr. Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers (1968) is a Professor of Corporate Governance at Tilburg University, TIAS School for Business and Society. She studied Financial Economics and earned her PhD from Erasmus University. In 2022, she also graduated as a Labour and Organisational Psychologist. In 2023, she published her book "Morele Dilemma’s in de Boardroom" (Moral Dilemmas in the Boardroom), which was nominated for Management Book of the Year. She serves or has served as a board member for several organisations, including Achmea, ASN Investment Funds, NRC Media, Erasmus MC, Diergaarde Blijdorp, and Pels Rijcken. Since 2024, she has also been a Crown Member at the SER.
Mijntje is also a lecturer at HR Academy, one of the knowledge partners of CHRO Day 2024.